Bloated leper rat. Strategy by Reilly vs. Bloated leper rat

Strategy by Reilly vsBloated leper rat  thanks to Elithe comment rematch string: Bloated Leper Rat:4EIL:212815S:111BNI:1214EL:This Bloated Leper Rat has 3200 health, blocks half your damage, and has “Leprosy”, which kills your active pet when it dies

Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001. 4 rounds. Strategy added by Seeno. Cathedral of Eternal Night. Door Control Console. Flayer Youngling is quite capable of soloing this fight. Reward. Strategy added by Dassemps#1507. Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. Prototype Annoy-O-Tron. There are a few different pets that will come in with Living Sludge, so the turn orders won't be exact. 54 Strategy 1 of 11 Browse all alternatives . Pets from other sources can be common, uncommon or rare by default. Prio 2: Bring in your Soul of the Forge when a Gnomish Rocket Chicken has cast Unstable Engineering or your Survival pet died and the active enemy pet is a Rocket Chicken. 9. wrote on 7/31/2021. Math comes in. Bring them in. Ethereal can help against nukes if you can time it against Launch Rocket and the like, or to use during Smoke Cloud rounds. Bring pets to defeat machines, leper. There, Marcus "Bagman" Brown will greet you and send you to the actual dungeon. Thanks for watching, like and subscribe for more videos. Pets from other sources can be common, uncommon or rare by default. Strategy by Carrotz vs. thanks to Elithe comment rematch string: Bloated Leper Rat:4EIL:212815S:111BNI:1214EL:This Bloated Leper Rat has 3200 health, blocks half your damage, and has “Leprosy”, which kills your active pet when it dies. My team here is a generic rabbit, generic frog, and Benax. First pet can be any pet with Stampede or Flock (Ikky for example). Strategies with a Script; No Shop or TCG pets; Reset Filters;. Leper Rat. Last updated 2022-11-01. Turn 1-3. Bloated Leper Rat using: Seaborne Spore (2*2), Fozling (**2) and Baa'l (*2*). This strat is good for battlers who may have lots of level 25s, but not necessarily the ones required by other strats. Strategies with a Script; No Shop or TCG pets;. 10 Strategy 4 of 11 Browse all alternatives . Any Pet. Strategy by Nalika#2313 vs. It costs 3 Pristine Gizmo. Turn 2. These options reset all other sorting filters. I only used the shark once as the Shore Crab and Fishy were able to take out everything. My team here is a generic rabbit, generic frog, and Benax. This also worked very well with the Black Lamb (x,1,2) in slot 1. wrote on. Undead pets return to. wrote on 5/18/2020. For wild pets this is usually "poor". 14. Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001Strategy added by Lazey. The +260 Speed made it faster than Living Napalm, so the Dodge worked against 2 attacks, Pump and Deep Bite made quick work out of him. Make sure you have some other pet, than a beast and in the best case a pet with some elemental attacks. My team here is a generic rabbit, generic frog, and Benax. Harmful damage over time effects are reduced by 50% on Aquatic pets. Prio A: Extra Plating. Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001Strategy added by Trog. Then Scratch again unless one of your pets managed to put a dot up. That left my Kelp Scuttler Alive with about 80% of HP left. Specify EXACTLY which species and breeds you used. Once inside, find the chain that connects downward toward the lava, and has two doorways. Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. It takes quite a while to make it to Stage 6 and it is so frustrating that I am unable to continue, even then I have killed the damned rat 5. The +260 Speed made it faster than Living Napalm, so the Dodge worked against 2 attacks, Pump and Deep Bite made quick work out of him. Strategy added by Helsing. TD Script provided by Maybellene, THANK YOU!!!!!!! Following zaftig's comment I used Lava Crab instead of Cindercrawler and figured it would be better to have Cauterize. Leper Rat using: Coastal Scuttler (111), Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling (122) and Red Dragonhawk Hatchling (122). The default rarity is the minimum when a pet is learned. Strategy by Reilly vs. Bloodfang. For the Leper Rat fight I used: Unborn Val'kyr - Curse of Doom, Haunt Zandalari Anklerender - Black Claw, Primal Cry, Hunting PartyStrategy by Rezter#21612 vs. Otherwise, bring in your Phoenix Hatchling and use Conflagrate to finish off Logic. Generally keep a multi-turn burn up (Immolate preferred) then Conflagrate on cooldown and try to Flamethrower for last shot to kill (or during an undead round). Prio 2. Low XP. Logic dies. The default rarity is the minimum when a pet is learned. This Bloated Leper Rat has 3200 health, blocks half your damage, and has “Leprosy”, which kills your active pet when it dies. There is not pet battling. So you need to leave another pet alive to successfully complete this fight. Any Pet. This Bloated Leper Rat has 3200 health, blocks half your damage, and has “Leprosy”, which kills your active pet when it dies. Low XP. This video shows how to defeat Bloated Leper Rat. These options reset all other sorting filters. Just take a beast with damage reduction and a nice beast attack - You will avoid the stampede and will take nearly 0 damage. Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. Strategies with a Script; No Shop or TCG pets; Reset. 浮肿的麻风鼠. Living Permafrost. Gulp frogs of the Timeless Isle can feast upon prey. Fast and simple ;). For the Leper Rat fight I used: Unborn Val'kyr - Curse of Doom, Haunt Zandalari Anklerender - Black Claw, Primal Cry, Hunting PartyLeper Rat. Just needs to be faster than the enemy. Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001. Arctic Hare. Strategy by F1NCH#2182 vs. LSamtpfote#2363. Strategy added by DragonsAfterDark. Cogblade Raptor. Stampede . -. Specify whether you read the strategy from the site and executed it manually, or downloaded and used the tdScript. That is 3x228 for a total of 684. You can own up to three copies of this pet. Bloated Leper Rat. World of Warcraft Pet Battle guides - your one-stop place for strategies to beat all WoW pet battle quests, achievements and opponents!Strategy by Lazey vs. Very easy strategy. Bloated Leper Rat using: Seaborne Spore (2*2), Fozling (**2) and Baa'l (*2*). Progress on this achievement is shared account wide. Bring in your Elusive Skimmer . Shadowy Figure Confronted; During this stage, you confront the Shadowy Figure. 2Flayer Youngling is quite capable of soloing this fight. Just needs to be faster than the enemy. But Sunlight gives 228 damage to the front pet AND each of the back-line pets. Turn 4. 3. Turn 1-3. My team here is a generic rabbit, generic frog, and Benax. 4 ( TomTom / Map Pin) Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001. Reward: Burnout. Strategy added by Chaos#6450. Bloated Leper Rat using: Coastal Scuttler (*11), Mud Jumper (211) and Any Level 25+ Pet. vs. Gnomeregan Guard Wolf. 3. Golden Beetle (Speed >260) is my Survival Pet. Prototype Annoy-O-Tron. Strategy by Trog vs. Bloated Leper Rat using: Octopode Fry (121), Leviathan Hatchling (211) and Any Level 25+ Pet. Infected targets receive 5% of their maximum health as Undead damage every round for 4 rounds. 11/19/2020. 4 rounds. Scratch . Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. Strategy by Reilly vs. Leper Rat using: Coastal Scuttler (111), Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling (122) and Red Dragonhawk Hatchling (122). Living Permafrost. -. Make sure you have some other pet, than a beast and in the best case a pet with some elemental attacks. Strategy by DragonsAfterDark vs. Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. So you need to leave another pet alive to successfully complete this fight. You can use as first pet any pet that causes sunny day. change (#2) [enemy. Strategy by Lazey vs. For the Leper Rat fight I used: Unborn Val'kyr - Curse of Doom, Haunt Zandalari Anklerender - Black Claw, Primal Cry, Hunting PartyStrategy by Lutokot#2567 vs. Infected targets receive 5% of their maximum health as Undead damage every round for 4 rounds. Bring in your Soul of the Forge when a Gnomish Rocket Chicken has cast Unstable Engineering or your Survival pet died and the active enemy pet is a Rocket Chicken. Strategies with a Script; No Shop or TCG pets; Reset Filters;. It would make for longer descriptions to include this (Bite is the best choice for the other non-Undead secondary pets) but worthwhile if you're struggling with this one. You can own up to three copies of this pet. 4 Strategy 9 of 11 Browse all alternatives . Specify EXACTLY where the first unexpected thing happened, the first thing that deviated from what the strat predicts. Turn 5+ Swarm until dead . 花1分钟创建用户后就能进行编辑 :) 登录 注册. His text reads: “My superior investigation techniques have. In the pet battle instance, critters and Bloated Leper Rat are fought at the entrance while Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider, Gnomeregan Guard Tiger, Gnomeregan Guard. Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. . The default rarity is the minimum when a pet is learned. Leper Rat using: Tragg the Curious (112), Snaplasher (1*1) and Any Level 25+ Pet. Strategy by DragonsAfterDark vs. Turn 1+2. Bloated Leper Rat using: Ikky (*11), Octopode Fry (*21) and Any Level 25+ Pet. Harmful damage over time effects are reduced by 50% on Aquatic pets. 4 ( TomTom / Map Pin) Living Permafrost. The default rarity is the minimum when a pet is learned. He has a +vs undead with using Powerball and it consistently deals more damage than Bite. Karazhan. This strat is good for battlers who may have lots of level 25s, but not necessarily the ones required by other strats. Turn 1. 8. Low XP. This is how I beat with one pet, the epic Bloated Leper Rat in Gnomeregan dungeon battle pet. Need to test if this works for all 3 Mech's first ones, did Tiger and Wolf for now with the same pets, didnt even needed a third one (bird still max hp) and killed the last boss with flock and lightning shield strategy. Just take a beast with damage reduction and a nice beast attack - You will avoid the stampede and will take nearly 0 damage. Bloated Leper Rat using: Octopode Fry (121), Leviathan Hatchling (211) and Any Level 25+ Pet. 20 Strategy 2 of 8 Browse all alternatives . 31. Bring in your Survival pet when a Greater Apocalypse on your team has 2 turns left and use Survival next turn. Bloated Leper Rat using: Coastal Scuttler (*11), Mud Jumper (211) and Any Level 25+ Pet. Take the doorway without the elf, and cut left toward the Grinding Quarry. Note 1: There are a few different pets that will come in with Cockroach, so the turn orders won't be exact. Tamer Details. 104 Strategy 1 of 18 Browse all alternatives . 31. Turn 2. This also worked very well with the Black Lamb (x,1,2) in slot 1. Leper Rat; Stage 6; Bloated Leper Rat; Stage 7; Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider; Gnomeregan Guard Tiger; Gnomeregan Guard Wolf; Final Stage; Pulverizer Bot Mk 6001; vs. Strategy by Nalika#2313 vs. Stampede > Comeback > Comeback, start the Elusive Skimmer with Stampede. Strategies with a Script; No Shop or TCG pets; Reset Filters;. Leper Rat Alarm-O-Dog. Sipder. I only used the shark once as the Shore Crab and Fishy were able to take out everything. 4 ( TomTom / Map Pin) Gnomeregan Guard Mechanostrider. Turn 6+ Scratch until Bloated Leper Rat dies . Leper Rat using: Coastal Scuttler (111), Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling (122) and Red Dragonhawk Hatchling (122). Just needs to be faster than the enemy. Leper Rat. Pets from other sources can be common, uncommon or rare by default. 2. 4 rounds. 9. Bring them in. Do not use Shell Shield while Frostbite is.