We are a small collaborative community with 30+ active editors editing 100+ pages at 5,000+ edits. Members. 9k. 8. View all. 0 multiplier to the 1st Dimension Antimatter Galaxies (0) Requires: 80 8th Antimatter D Reset your Dimensions and Dimension Boosts to increase the power of Tickspeed upgrades 0. If I remember correctly, all of the infinity challenges unlock by the end of that gap. So I've been at 1e129 for a day or two pulling about 5e126/min the Of course I can't finish IC8 in time…I have just unlocked infinity power in AD on my phone and wanted to try the web version, so I went into options and hit 'Export to Web', it gave me a really long code which I messaged to myself. Basically, you need to learn the cost scalings of all dimensions cost scaling. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. Giving us a bit of help by contributing to one of the pages below would be greatly appreciated!If I remember correctly, IC5 unlocks at 1e18000 AM. Search for anything. Their goals also exceed Infinity, and vary in goals for different Infinity Challenges. This section has barely progressed at all over the better part of 2 weeks. 5% tick increase instead of 12% (coming on the web version on the next update). Antimatter Dimensions. Set the galaxy cap to 1 or 2 higher than that to compensate for the higher boost from IDs. This guide (based on Patashu's Guide on Kongregate) is about getting through Antimatter Dimensions as fast as possible. They are useful as they can boost the effectiveness of buying tickspeed upgrades. Disable autobuyers for 5-6-7. It is unusual to get stuck in this section of the game. I don't understand what I should be doing here. Im at 2. Leave 8th dimension autobuyer enabled with "Buys until 10". Time Dimensions are multiplied by days played. Autobuyers are unlocked by reaching certain AM (Antimatter) amounts and appear in the Infinity tab. Dilated time gain is boosted by antimatter. Time Dimensions gain a mulitplier based on days played. Set the galaxy cap to 1 or 2 higher than that to compensate for the higher boost from IDs. Add a Comment. Antimatter Dimensions. 23. View all. 63. 77% Rare - 21. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions. 4,2. ziyuang / max_galaxy_dimboost. "Increases" means "the cost goes up just as if you'd bought that thing,. Latest News. Created Sep 16, 2017. 26. Manually do 1 galaxy at a time until you figure out which Galaxy you can complete the challenge on. 3: Added two new upgrades, the automator for the antimatter dimensions, and did some balancing and bugfixing. txt 2nd Dimboost. Pre-Infinity Under 1e308 antimatter. Online. Antimatter Dimensions Grand Run. Each bought Time Dimension boosts Normal Dimensions by the product of x/6 and your multiplier of the product of bought. 4 Strings 3. 10. Their goals also exceed Infinity, and vary in goals for different Infinity Challenges. Infinity Challenge 5. Share. DO IC5 AT 1E84 IP ON BOTH MOBLE AND WEB. 124x (1/ (1-0. . View all. Get to Infinity with up to 10 1st Antimatter Dimensions without any other Dimensions, Dimension Boosts, or Antimatter Galaxies, while in the 2nd Antimatter Dimension Autobuyer challenge (C2). repeat. Also just wanna know if ithis is a good pace for my kind of level, pre-replicanti, finished IC1 - IC5, antimatter is around 1e22000~1e24500 in a run, infinity dimensions 1 through 4 maxed up to my current level of IP, 1e118 is the next upgrade for. ago. This is a video guide for getting fast Infinity Challenge 4 with ~e66 IP. 0 multiplier to the 1st Dimension Antimatter Dimensions Infinity Challenge 5 on mobile app. Be sure not to buy 10, as doing so causes dim8's cost to tick up three times. Currently: Xx. Problem with "Never again". Time Dimensions gain a mulitplier based on your unspent Time Theorems. Latest News. Currently: x. Created Sep 16, 2017. Join. Antimatter Dimensions Infinity Challenge 5 on mobile app. Ic5-Help! Im at 83ip and have done evrything i can upgrade, how do i complete this challenge? Im on android so buying singles doesnt seem to be possible. There are only 4 dimensions of each kind. 246 votes. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Antimatter Dimensions > Guides > Fanytastic's Guides. IC5 — — — Replicanti. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions. I feel like I know enough about antimatter dimensions ng-5 to make a guide on it. D. Add to wishlist. Cost: 1e50 EP. Since it doesn't have a reward, there is no point in doing it until you have all of the others done. Each Day from 6th July 2018 to 18th June 2020 (Begin to End of the Grand Run) Jul 6 2018: 1 Dimension Shift, 1e24 AM. Infinity dimensions dont count towards that achievement. . Search within r/AntimatterDimensions. 8. Decrease tickspeed boost cost multiplier to 4. 0x. 0005. I'm doing this tactic, but now I'm stuck at 1e9750 matter with 72 dimboosts and 16 galaxies. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter DimensionsKongregate Patashu's Antimatter Dimensions Guide, post your thoughts on the discussion board or read fellow gamers' opinions (page 3). press “lose a dimboost” /“lose a reset” press M/Max two or three times (don’t hold it, just press) repeatedly buy dimensions 7->1 until you reach the next Galaxy repeat After challenge: enable Sacrifice autobuyer and. 3-28-2020, v1. But on my mobile version the goal is e16500. Req: 10. Latest News. Join. Some are very simple, ensured through progression, and some are significantly trickier, needing a specific strategy to get something. at least that was my experience. Press J to jump to the feed. 70% Rare - 28. All production is divided by 1. Great work on the Android version! I might have spotted a bug. 79e308. You'll finally reach 80 8th Dimensions and buy an Antimatter Galaxy 1 By the end of IC5 (Galaxy 20, or 1270 8th Dimension) use /u/hchan1 strat: Turn [PDF] Antimatter dimensions achievement guide - f-staticnet. Antimatter Dimensions (2016). 3,2. Dilated time gain is boosted by antimatter. Stuck at IC5. Tickspeed is the number of milliseconds between ticks. Members. Time Dimensions are multiplied by your unspent time theorems. ago. 0 EXP Log in to view progress Buy 1 Cost: 10 AM Dimension Boost (0) Requires: 20 4th Antimatter D Reset your Dimensions to unlock the 5th Dimension and give a ×2. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Antimatter Dimensions (2016). Hold 8 until it stops. I would just skip the achievement but it gives 3x for the 1st d. [spoilers ahead, if you don't wanna know the words, skip ahead] Dimensions, IDs, TDs, then the whole Infinity tab with upgrades, automators, more upgrades, Replicanti, then 3 challenge tabs then Eternity with the milestones and the upgrades and most importantly the gargantuan TS tree, and THEN some misc stuff. This section will clarify how to cheat and. 66. repeat. I can't beat IC5. At this point, your infinity have to lest less than 5 seconds, because then they will be worth 250 infinities. Now wait for it to move up and hold 1 the rest of the way, buy tickspeed max, then hold 1 again, followed by 2. 1. Press J to jump to the feed. 25배만큼 추가로 증가한다. This strategy. Dilated time gain is boosted by infinity points. I sent to do the achievement, which is doing c2 with only 10 1st dimension with no other boosts, like infinity dimensions. View all. I don't have the exact answer but farm for a bit then. You have antimatter. js, the number library that the game runs on. 0 multiplier to the 1st Dimension SodafizzIGuess · 12/31/2020 I MIGHT AS WELL HACK IT COMPLETED. Cost: 1e1500 EP. Decrease tickspeed boost cost multiplier to 4. r/incremental_games. Set Antimatter Dimension autobuyers 1-7 to "Buy Singles". I'm trying to complete IC5 but I can't figure out how to buy just 1 of each dimension. Meta-antimatter effect on dimension boosts is stronger. Decrease tickspeed boost cost multiplier to 4. 0x. Antimatter Dimensions. Nyan Cat - Author of many performance improvements that help the game run faster than 2 FPS. That's the only way I know to complete it. To get to dilation, you may need lots of antimatter. Before challenge: set Sacrifice autobuyer to 1e30x (don't forget to set it back to 2x after the challenge) set Dimboost autobuyer to buy max every 0 seconds and limit Dimboosts to 4 until 100 Galaxies (the checkmark must be enabled) 1 Introduction 2 Everything pre-reality that may be different because of the reality update (to update as I find more) and their effects on what is said in this guide 3 Section 1 - under 1e308 antimatter (pre infinity) 4 Section 2 - 1 to 66 K IP (infinity) 5 Section 3 - 66 K to 1e140 IP (Breaking Infinity) Explore Wiki Content Community Achievements Edit Each Achievement has conditions that must be met before they are earned. 3-26-2020, v1. 62. 8e308 Antimatter. Subscribe. The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. (+1. Each bought Time Dimension boosts. 7. End of IC5 strat: u/cerise256: Turn off all autobuyers. 500. 0 multiplier to the 1st DimensionAntimatter Dimensions Discord Server can be used for help with the game (invitation code st9NaXa, Invite Link). Press J to jump to the feed. Cost: 1e50 EP. IC5 done quick First, you may want to test a few things yourself and see why it is hard to get many 8th dimensions (buying dim 5-7 is especially tricky). 03 증가하며, 한 줄 전체를 클리어하면 1. Antimatter Dimensions/도전. Members. (Note: 3 might not always be the best number, but it's pretty good) challenge 9: This challenge is very difficult to do fast, you need to be a very fast thinker. Time Dimensions gain a mulitplier based on days played. Antimatter Dimensions (2016). 0000 g/sec) 0. Currently: Xx. Cost: 1e50 EP. Copy to Clipboard Copied! Export as . 1. I have seen the later stages so I have come up with the fastest way to prog. So often i come back to a game after an extended period. e. Antimatter Dimensions (2016). Matter rises 20x faster than in Challenge 11, tickspeed boost is / (tickspeed/1000)^0. Pre-Infinity (noun): The section of the game before you've performed a Big Crunch once. Community Infinity Challenges Edit Like Challenges, there are also Infinity Challenges, which unlock one-by-one well past Infinity Antimatter instead of immediately. There are eight dimensions in total. IC5 x2 problems . After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much, much. I love antimatter dimensions I got more than 1e5 IP at total for now and i try to get the 1st infinity dimensions, also I got 5 secret achievement (it must be 6 but I make a stupid move and it gone) 1. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. News Guides Resources Streams Forum Statistics Boosters. Set the max galaxies autobuyer to that number, or one more (51). I'm at e75, using nd/active, and have all other EC maxed, other than 9,10,11,12, which I dont have access to. 7e85. The team has taken time off for a few years to work on a larger update released alongside this. 0 multiplier to the 1st Dimension Antimatter Galaxies (0) Requires: 80 8th Antimatter D Reset your Dimensions and Dimension Boosts to increase the power of Tickspeed upgrades 0. Technically, you just play it. Differences from the web version:-First galaxy gives now 12. Antimatter Dimensions - Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. 414 (based on current matter)이지만 실제로 도움되는 팁도 적게나마 있고 (일부는 히든 도전과제 힌트를 준다), 단편적인 세계관 설정이 나오기도 하므로 영어 실력이 받쳐 준다면 흥미로울 내용이 많다. Gain a multiplier to meta-dimensions based on tickspeed (1 + log (1 + log (x))). 01 seconds. Posted by 3 days ago. Just play it after a few days! It's not important for your stage. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions. Press J to jump to the feed. Just autobuy 2-3-4 singles and 8 autobuy x10. 2. No news. Buy 1 single of A. No description provided. Even if that real run gives 50x rather than 35x EP; the time you have to spend on those 10 quick runs (even though it's less than a minute) seems like it really hurts your overall EP/Min. Never again. Subreddit dedicated for the game Antimatter Dimensions. 154. 1: 1e3. Leave 8th dimension autobuyer enabled with "Buys until 10".